Monday, October 31, 2016

Upcoming Events

1. We are having a Veteran’s Day assembly on Thursday November 10th at 2:30. You are all welcome to attend this special event where we honor the brave men and women who sacrifice so much for our country. You will see your students coming home with paper stars where they can write information about a veteran who is important to them and bring the stars back to school completed and cut out.
      2. Parent-teacher conferences are in four weeks. Please be on the lookout for conferencing times and dates for you and your student to come home next week. If you have a specific time that only works for your family, please let me know now so I can reserve a spot for you. The conferences are from 12:30-3:30 on Friday the 18th and Tuesday the 22nd. On Monday the 21st, Conferences are from 12:30-7.

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